If you are planning to remodel or do an addition to your existing home. DO NOT do it with out getting permits.
As a designer and builder based in Austin, Texas, I understand firsthand that despite the added costs and time involved, navigating through the permitting process is a worthwhile endeavor.
There are many factors can affect what you can actually build or the way you build them. Here are some examples and if you don't know the answers to one of these questions you need to consider working with QuickCAD Drafting and Design.
Are you with-in the Flood Plain ?
What is your existing and remaining Impervious Coverage for your Lot ?
What is your existing Floor To Area Ratio ?
Are you in the Wildland Urban Interface ?
What are your current Building Setbacks ?
These are some of the questions that will come up during the permitting process that will dictate what you are able to build.
We had customers come to us that were serve with a Notice of Violation for building with out permits. The building department can serve you with this letter during construction and even after the constriction was done. In this case a retro active permitting process will have to be done. In any of these scenarios we can help you through this process.
